"Delivery" Animated Short

"Delivery" Animated Short Film by Patrick Smith

"This is a wordless and darkly comic piece that turns no action longueurs into the heartbeat of a diabolical comic timing, deftly rendering suspense out of the spaces between movements and expressions."-Animation World Magazine.

Synopsis: Abuse leads to rage as two friends compete for a delivered package. "Delivery" deals with the realistic consequences of rage and violence, even within a cartoon setting.

Official Selection of: (Partial List)
-Slamdance Film Festival, Park City UT, 2004.
-2004 Museum of the Moving Image
-2004 Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MOCCA)
-2004Anthology Film Archives.
-2004 Toronto Moving Image Society
-Annecy International Animation Festival 2004.
-New York Film Expo, Dec. 13-14, 2003.
-Chicago Animation Festival Nov. 5-10, 2003.
-Hamptons Film Festival Oct. 23-27, 2003
-Northampton Film Festival Nov. 5-10, 2003.
-New Orleans Film Festival Oct 9-16, 2003.
-Lausanne Underground Film Festival Oct 5-10, 2003, Switzerland.
-Red Bank International Film Festival Oct 3-10, 2003.
-Sacramento Festival of Cinema Oct 4, 2003.
-Pusan International Film Festival Oct 2-10, 2003, Korea.
-Great Lakes International Film Festival Sept. 11-14, 2003.
-Portland Independent Animation Festival Aug. 18-24, 2003.
-Boston Underground Film Festival 9/26-10/2, 2003
-Film Fleadh Shorts Film Festival Sept 25, 2003.
-Boston Film Festival Sept 7-16, 2003
-Los Angeles International Short Film Festival Sept. 16-22 2003.
-Woodstock Film Festival Sept. 17-21 2003.
-Rhode Island International Film Festival. July 2003.
-Brainwash Underground Movie Festival Friday July 11th 2003, Canada.
-Cartoon Club International Animation Festival July 9-30 ,2003, Rimini, Italy.
-Dervio International Cartoons and Comics. July 4-12, 2003. ITALY.
-Cordoba Animation Festival , May 28-30, 2003 Argentina.
-ASIFA-East Animation Festival May 4, 2003.